Create token
You provide the essential details, and we use them to create your custom SPL token on the Solana blockchain, easily, with no coding.
I want this token to trade, what's next?
How much does it cost?
How much time it takes to create a token?
Once token is created, where it will be?
How to transfer this token to other wallets?
Which wallet can I use?
How it works?
1. Make sure your Solana wallet is connected.
2. Enter the name for your token.
3. Enter the symbol (max 8 characters).
4. Select the decimals (0 for Whitelist Token, 6 for utility token).
5. Enter token supply.
6. Add the description you want for your SPL Token.
7. Upload the image for your token (PNG).
8. Optionally add social networks.
9. Click on "Continue" and accept the transaction. After a few seconds token is created.
10. Make sure you saved token address.
0 / 2000 Symbols
Image size cannot exceed 2 Mb
Enable Extensions (Socials)
Website URL
Custom creator (Optional)
0.05 SOL
Creator name
Creator site
Tag list (3 tags max)
Lock metadata +0.05 SOL
Revoke freeze +0.05 SOL
Revoke mint +0.05 SOL
Service fee is 0.05 SOL + network fee